DVM PTO Requests Protocol


DVM PTO Requests Protocol





Related KPI:


Effective Date:

November 22, 2022


DVM PTO Requests




PTO requests which occur before a schedule is established will be approved based on the needs of the business. PTO requests which occur once a schedule is established will be considered an unapproved absence.


PTO requests which occur before a schedule is established:

  • The DVM must enter the PTO request into JustWorks
  • The City Manager must approve or deny the request in JustWorks within 10 business days. In extenuating circumstances the manager may revoke an approval based on the needs of the business.
  • PTO when approved is on a first come-first serve basis. Multiple requests for the same days will not be approved without the City Manager working with the District Manager to ensure that working days are not reduced for the market. 
  • Call Out - PTO requests which occur once a schedule is established -
  • Email operations.cancellations@thevets.com immediately so that the team can begin searching for relief. When reaching out to the Operations Team, please be sure to include the following information:
  1. DVM Name that has requested a schedule change,
  2. The reason for the request.
  3. The date / time CM was alerted.
  4. A description of how the schedule is being backfilled.

  • Please also send an email to mts@thevets.com so that the Team Leads can block Salesforce appropriately.
  1. Please delete the shift on Sling to avoid any online bookings.
  2. If a Relief Vet is not available, all appointments should be moved into the other mobile teams schedules wherever possible.
  3. If the city is approved for Technician Appointments and the appointments scheduled are eligible for a tech to see, you may resume operations with the tech.
  4. The City Manager can jump in to help out with Tech Appointments if 2nd tech is not available.
  5. Code the absence in Justworks.