Multi-Pet Invoicing Correction Guidelines


Multi-Pet Invoicing Correction Guidelines





Related KPI:


Effective Date:

November 28, 2022


Correcting Multi-Pet Invoices




It is the City Manager’s responsibility to oversee all invoices produced by their teams. The City Manager must ensure that all multi-pet invoices are combined. Maintaining invoicing accuracy leads to drastic ATC improvements.


Checking Invoices:

  • In VetSpire, select “Financial”.
  • Scan all invoices for doubles - two or more invoices for the same household.
  • If a double invoice is found:
  1. Select the upper invoice to reopen the sale.
  2. Once inside the bill of sale, navigate to the top of the invoice and select “Re-open”.
  3. Select “Re-open to edit” at the bottom of the invoice.
  4. Be sure to write down or take a picture of the invoice as you will need all line items and numerical values associated with the line items (including the Grand Total) to complete the process.
  5. Delete the invoice.
  6. Navigate back to the “Billing” tab.
  7. Locate the text box stating “Credit on Account” and click on the pencil icon located next to it.
  8. Enter in the invoice amount you have written down from the previously deleted invoice.
  9. In the comments section, notate “paid on separate account” to ensure full transparency.
  10. Select “Submit”.
  11. Navigate back to the “Billing” tab and verify that the credit has been applied to the account.
  12. Locate the invoice you would like to add the credit to and select “Re-open” followed by, “Re-open to edit”.
  13. Add the line items and numerical values associated from the previously deleted invoice.
  14. Be sure to select the correct name of the patient for each added line item.
  15. Navigate to the bottom of the invoice and select “Apply $____ credit”.
  16. Verify after selection that the invoice total becomes “$0.00”.
  17. Select “Finalize”.
  18. An automatic prompt to send the client an email will appear; select “Cancel”.

Reference docs:Correcting Invoices and Protecting Your ATC