Ranger Training (Full-Time Employees)


Ranger Training (Full-Time Employees)




Related KPI:

Effective Date:



Ranger training has moved to a hybrid training model - this means part of the training will take place via the online modules and part will take place over video call with Beth. The video call will be the time for hands-on learning and allow the staff to ask questions regarding the system. The Ranger modules are available on our company's Learning Management System, CanopyEd.

To access the training modules:

1. Go to https://thevets.canopyed.com/me and

2. Select "I'm here to learn". You will be prompted to sign in using your The Vets gmail account.

3. Enter the course code: RangerFT (this is case sensitive)

The videos will take approximately 1 hour to complete, but can be done at your own pace. Please have the videos completed prior to the 1 hour video call scheduled with me.

For the CMs: Please see Ranger Training (Reliefs) for relief vets and techs.