Sick Leave Policy


Sick Leave Policy


Sales & Support


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Effective Date:



Sick Leave Policy


This policy affects all employees who are employed by The Vets Sales and Support Department.

Policy Elements:

Our company Sick Leave policy outlines our company’s provisions for employees who become sick and need to be absent from work. The following policy specifies how sick leave will be accrued and how it should be used.It's understood that at times our employees may be unable to perform their duties if they get sick. Our company follows legal guidelines that may apply to sick pay. We also offer 5 days of paid sick leave annually. This leave is separate from other types of leave like maternity leave and Paid Time Off (PTO) that may be offered.

How do Sick Days work?

Employees can take sick leave when they need  to:

  • Recover from sudden illness
  • Recover from accidents/injuries
  • Receive mental/psychological care or counseling when necessary

Note: Employees who want to attend to routine healthcare (e.g. doctor’s/dentist’s appointments) should use their PTO or book appointments during non-working days or hours.

Notice Requirements:

When employees want to use their sick time, they should notify their Team Lead (TL) and/or Regional Manager (RM) as soon as possible through a Slack Message in their personal feedback channel, or directly to their supervisor for approval. They should also inform the TL/RM for how long they’ll be absent (if possible) or report daily for every day of sick leave.

Under certain circumstances, employees might need to submit a physician’s note or other medical certification and/or complete a sick leave form. Those circumstances include but are not limited to:

  • Being absent for more than two days on sick leave
  • Cases when a pattern arises (e.g. employees plead sick at a specific time each week.)
  • Instances such as calling in sick for a shift that the employee asked for off after the current schedule was released

Note: We will handle all sick time requests with discretion.

When I Work Request

When requesting Sick Leave through WiW, you will be inputting a Paid/Unpaid Sick Day. You cannot request Sick Days for future dates. This request should only be used when you are feeling mentally or physically sick/unwell.

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