City Closure


City Closure




Related KPI:

Effective Date:

February 14, 2023




The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on unforeseen operational closures. As a mobile business, our operations can be impacted by weather conditions that may pose a safety risk to our employees. It is important that we have a clear and consistent approach to weather-related closures in order to maintain efficient operations, ensure employee satisfaction, and prioritize the safety of all those involved.

These closures are declared in order to prioritize the safety of our employees and clients and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken during periods of adverse weather.

  • There are a few different events that can cause unforeseen closures. Below are some examples:
  • Severe Weather Conditions
  • Vehicle Safety Issues
  • Force Majeure incidents
  • Anything that is NOT a sick call out


  • For severe weather conditions, here are the steps prior to reporting:
  • Considerations need to be in place 24-48 hours prior by local operations. 
  • Weather updates and insight needs to be given to RMs by CMs. 
  • Considerations will be based on local weather and road authorities. 
  • When reporting these unforeseen events, here is the process you must follow:
  • Immediately report details of the event and the potential teams affected to your Regional Manager by phone call.
  • The Regional Manager will then report the event to OPS (Esben, Jessica, James and Sandra.)
  • RM, CM and Medical Teams are to standby until OPS reviews each case and gives next steps. 
  • Esben to give final approval on how to handle the event and how it affects service. 
  • Team safety is our main priority. Please follow these steps closely so that we can ensure proper operations as well as everyone’s safety.

Employee Pay:

The Vets recognizes the importance of paying employees during unforeseen closures, even if they are not able to work. As such, employees will be paid their regular salary or wages for the day of the closure, regardless of the number of clients seen - when operations are canceled by OPS Leadership. Employees must remain available during their regular scheduled shift and in communication with their manager to review the day's tasks. 

Justworks Coding

  • If we deem the weather and road conditions are safe to continue service with precautions in place yet staff call out due to "safety" reservations: Code the employee's day as call-out. 
  • Sick can only be used for appropriate reasons. 
  • If the person is non-exempt, it must be a callout unpaid or PTO if available.
  • If exempt, we should pay in most cases (If the DVM is a callout all week, we do not have to pay.)

  • If we decide to postpone the start time or cancel the day: code the hours with emergency pay (EPL)
  • Same day schedule changes that the business makes are paid

Note: Employees are to use this time to catch up on any necessary tasks or training, as outlined in the Alternative Tasks section of this policy.

Alternative Tasks:

During weather-related closures, employees are encouraged to utilize their time effectively by completing necessary tasks or participating in training and development activities. Some specific activities that employees can focus on include:

  • Technician Skills Training
  • Training on the Knowledge Center
  • Medical Notes 
  • Lab Work Call Backs
  • Client Communications
  • Catch up on any outstanding tasks
  • Public Relations (PR) - RM Check with Marketing

Note: The Regional Manager may provide additional guidance on alternative tasks to be completed during closures. Employees are expected to utilize this time in a productive manner and are encouraged to communicate with their manager regarding any questions or concerns.