Team Lead Privacy and Confidentiality Policy


Team Lead Privacy and Confidentiality Policy


Sales & Support


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Effective Date:



Team Lead Privacy and Confidentiality Policy


This policy affects all Team Lead employees who may have access to confidential and private company/employee/customer information.

Policy Elements:

Confidential and proprietary information is secret, valuable, and should not be easily shared. Common examples of confidential information are:

  • Unpublished goals, forecasts, initiatives, and ideas marked as confidential
  • Documents and processes still in development 
  • Patents, formulas or new technologies
  • Pricing/marketing and other undisclosed strategies

Team Leads will have various levels of authorized access to confidential information, but in all circumstances be under the expectation that items will be held in absolute confidence. 

Team Leads Should:

  • Only disclose information to other employees when it’s necessary and authorized
  • Keep confidential documents inside our company’s premises unless it’s absolutely necessary to move them.


Team Leads Should NOT:

  • Discuss confidential information with other employees unless otherwise authorized by direct supervisor(s)
  • Use confidential information for any personal benefit or profit


It is the expectation that each Team Lead will maintain all private information discussed at any time exclusively confidential.

This includes (but is not limited to) information discussed during:


  • Meetings
  • Slack Messages
  • 1:1’s
  • In person conversations
  • Personal social forums