Understanding and Managing Moral Distress and Compassion Fatigue

During this webinar, the causes and consequences of moral distress and compassion fatigue will be shared and coping strategies outlined.

Employee Wellness
November 16, 2022
Seats Available

Wednesday, November 16th 12:00pm (PST)

Recording available here


Understanding and Managing Moral Distress and Compassion FatigueResearch demonstrates that all members of the veterinary team are experiencing morally stressful situations more commonly now than ever before. Repeated situations of moral distress can lead to compassion fatigue, whereby a veterinary team member loses their desire and ability to care for patients, clients, and team members. During this webinar, the causes and consequences of moral distress and compassion fatigue will be shared and coping strategies outlined. While these situations are here to stay in veterinary practice, there are skills and tools that can help to buffer or prevent the consequences. All members of the team are welcome to attend.

Learner Outcomes:

1) Identify morally stressful situations and their underlying cause.

2) Recognize symptoms and stages of compassion fatigue and how it differs from burnout.

3) Gain strategies and skills for coping with and managing moral distress and compassion fatigue.

Your Instructor

Dr. Marie Holowaychuk

Dr. Marie Holowaychuk is a board-certified small animal emergency and critical care specialist, living in Calgary and working as a speaker, consultant, and locum. Marie has spent more than 15 years practicing emergency and critical care medicine in different referral hospital settings across Canada and the USA, including 5 years spent as an Assistant Professor at the Ontario Veterinary College.Marie is an avid writer and lifelong learner and has been primary or co-author of more than 30 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals. Marie is also an Assistant Editor for the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care and co-editor of the Manual of Veterinary Transfusion Medicine and Blood Banking. Marie is a board member for the non-profit organization Canadian Animal Blood Bank and volunteers on the ACVECC (American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care) Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion committee. Marie’s previous volunteer positions include the ACVECC Scientific Committee and serving on the board of the Association of Veterinary Hematology and Transfusion Medicine (AVHTM).Outside of veterinary practice, Marie is a passionate advocate for veterinary team wellbeing. She hosts the Reviving Vet Med podcast and shares an e-newsletter with information related to personal and professional wellbeing. For more information about Marie, please visit her website www.marieholowaychuk.com or follow her on social media: Facebook (@DrMarieHolowaychuk), Twitter (@DrMHolowaychuk), LinkedIn (@DrMarieHolowaychuk), or Instagram (@MarieHolowaychuk).

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