The Vets Casting Call

April 16, 2023

We've partnered with Bungalow Entertainment to start development work for a potential reality TV show based on our service!  The team at Bungalow has an impressive track record of creating unscripted & branded content that maintains the integrity of the brand while telling compelling stories that people want to watch. You can check out some of their other projects here.

We are still very early in the process, but the first step is researching the stories & people that make our service great in order to inform the concept for the show.  And that's where you come in!  

Whether you'd like to be considered for the cast or just want to share some stories with our team that could inspire great TV, please self-record a video on your phone (in landscape) sharing the following:

  • Introducing yourself
  • How long have you been a vet for?
  • What is your favorite part of being a vet and working in this industry?
  • What stresses you out about it?
  • Who is your kookiest client (tells us about the animal and the parent...)
  • Tell us the funniest story you have from working for The Vets

On the recording, we will need everyone to answer questions in complete sentences. Examples:

  • "I have been a vet for 9 years" is what we need...
  • "9 years" is not.


  • Video must be self recorded on your phone, and in landscape

Please send submissions via email to with the subject "THE VETS PROJECT". If the video file is too large to attach you can send via  In the body of the email, please include your name, age, city, cell phone number & email.

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