Dental Health Month Wrap Up!

April 16, 2023

February's focus was on your patient's oral health and proper documentation of the oral exam. We introduced a variety of oral health care products by both Virbac and Oravet. Oral health care is a team effort, that requires consistent communication between you and the client. Your role is to not only perform the oral examination, but to educate the client regarding the importance of their pet's oral health.

  • We know that not all clients are going to commit to active oral health care by brushing their pet's teeth every day; however, with proper education you can also introduce passive oral health care with the oral health care products introduced earlier this month.
  • Demonstrating proper at-home oral health care could increase client compliance. Clients will typically ask for recommendations for toothbrushes, toothpaste, plaque-removing toys, or even possible diet suggestions to help with oral health. The Knowledge Center has a variety of resources and continuing education topics to assist with these recommendations. Remember client education begins with you! 🦷
  • A proper oral exam during your at-home veterinary visit is limited, but can still provide a great amount of information. Oral examinations on conscious pets can be difficult and limited; however, a proper visual inspection, and palpation can provide an essential amount of information.

Dr. Brooke Niemiec, a Board Certified Veterinary Dentist states, that by 2 years of age 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of oral disease. With such high percentages of pets having oral disease, according to Dr. Niemiec, only 14% of those pets will receive professional dental care. The major reason: lack of client education regarding the importance of preventative oral health care.

Sometimes periodontal disease has no obvious outward signs for clients to notice, and therefore, clients will not follow veterinary recommendations for dental treatment. Client education regarding oral health care begins at your very first at-home visit; you are the front line when it comes to demonstration of proper techniques and evaluating the client's willingness to participate in their pet's at-home oral health care.


Gorrel, C. (2013). Veterinary Dentistry for the General Practitioner (2nd ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences (US).

Holmstrom, S. E. (2013, 2000). Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Approach (2nd ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences (US).

Niemiec B, Gawor J, Nemec A, et al. World Small Animal Veterinary Association Global Dental Guidelines. J Small Anim Pract. 2020;61(7):395-403. 2. Niemiec BA, ed. Veterinary Periodontology. Wiley-Blackwell; 2013:81

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