Fear Free Resources

April 16, 2023


Fear Free Word Choices

Words matter. When communicating with clients and colleagues about pets, being thoughtful about your word choices can make a world of difference. Here are some possible rephrasing’s of common terms.

New Additional Course:

The Neurobiology of Toxic Stress 

In this one-hour course, you’ll learn about the different types of stress and how stress impacts the brain. You will develop an understanding of learned helplessness, the range of behaviors commonly associated with toxic stress, and the connection between those behaviors and changes to the brain. 

Fear Free Happy Homes:

Bringing Home a New Puppy? Ways to Lose the Stress, And Success

It’s every happy holiday rolled into one – the day you bring your new puppy home. You may have big plans for your new best friend. All exciting but first, you have to get through the first few days. How you do so will have a big impact on the rest of your lives together.  


Fear Free @ VMX 2023 (January 15 - 18 2023): 

Come stop by the Fear Free booth #3731 at VMX! 

Sleepypod – Fear Free Home Edition

Many cats and dogs associate travel with negative experiences such as a trip to the vet or boarding facility. The Sleepypod mobile pet beds allows a pet to travel safely in the comfort of its own bed, thereby reducing travel-related stress because the Sleepypod is already a trusted part of its everyday life.

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