Pet of the Week: Gator Toes Hendrix

October 13, 2023

Gator Toes Hendrix belongs to Seattle City Manager, Lynda Littlefield. Read all about his incredible adoption story. Here is what Lynda had to say: 

"Dr. Laura Smith Lee, one of Seattle's regular relief veterinarians, attended the NW Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas last month and found a puppy that she thought we would love. Gator was part of the "Conference Puppy Play Pen" provided by SNARLLV. I contacted our LV City Manager, Megan Mead , who also put in a good word of adoption for me. Through Snarllv, non-profit Many paws transport, and The Vets employees, we will be inviting Gator to our home this weekend. We thank everyone involved that helped made this happen."

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