New! Team Member Spotlight Challenge (Dr. Topf)

April 16, 2023

We are excited to announce a new monthly challenge for our field team members, including vets, vet techs, and CMs. We are calling on you to share your experience working at The Vets!

To participate, all you have to do is answer one question related to your experience working here.  The question will change each month. Our favorite responses will be entered into a drawing, and the winner will receive a $100 gift card of your choice. Please make sure your answers are as specific as possible.

This challenge is an excellent opportunity for our field team members to share their insights and experiences with the rest of the team.  Some responses might also be featured in our marketing channels, like LinkedIn or PR stories. We are looking forward to hearing your stories and selecting a winner.

Here is a great example from Dr. Topf, our first member spotlight and also our longest standing veterinarian, starting with the company in May of 2021.

"As a veterinarian who provides at-home pet care, I have had the honor of caring for many beloved dogs who experience stress during car rides or at traditional clinics. I understand how important it is for our pets to feel safe and secure in their own environment. That’s why I am thrilled to work for a company that offers a service that allows pets to relax and feel more comfortable in their own home.

I have seen firsthand how dogs who receive at-home care have a more enjoyable, peaceful experience and are not traumatized. It warms my heart to hear my clients’ compliments about the positive impact that our at-home care has had on their furry friends. They often share how it is the best thing for their pet, and that it’s a much better experience than going to the clinic.

As a compassionate veterinarian, I love being able to take my time with these stressed pets and provide them with the personalized attention they deserve. It’s a joy to see them relax and even bring me their toys to play with them. I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of both my patients and their loving owners." - Dr. Topf

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