Wellness Recap: A Note from The MED

April 16, 2023

January welcomes not only the new year, but in Veterinary Medicine it welcomes an influx of new patients. The focus for January was an introduction to The Vets' Wellness Guidelines, proper prevention and client education. As Veterinary professionals we know the human-animal bond is difficult to break, and our role is to provide our clients with the most accurate and up to date information and care. Clients now have access to a myriad of resources, and we all know "Dr. Google" doesn't always provide the best medical advice.

Research has shown that two out of every three homes in America owns a pet, and families are spending more on their pets every single year. This includes veterinary care. The Vets are proud of our medical teams for having a strong focus on preventative care and our Wellness Guidelines, and want to provide you the support and resources you need.

January Takeaways:

  • Proper core and non-core vaccination recommendations
  • Feline Leukemia Testing and vaccine recommendations, including "indoor only" cats
  • Importance of Zoonotic diseases
  • Prevention is key in the long-term health of our patients
  • Heartworms and other Vector Borne diseases have been diagnosed in all 50 states (including NV and AZ)
  • Testing to start as young as 6 months old
  • Periodic Fecal Testing
  • Importance of Zoonotic parasites
  • Recommend routine diagnostic testing
  • Early detection of diseases in asymptomatic patients
  • Blood Chemistries
  • Complete Blood Counts
  • Urinalysis
  • Tonometry
  • Early diagnosis of Ophthalmic diseases
  • Cardiac Diagnostics
  • Early detection
  • Ultrasound (if available)
  • Early detection
  • Make client education a priority, and deliver it, in a variety of ways
  • It takes a client hearing a recommendation 3 times
  • Clients only take away 25% of what you say to them
  • Break information down into smaller amounts and multiple visits

The MED team has provided you with not only quality references, but RACE approved Continuing Education to assist you in providing a Platinum Standard of Care. We have also provided AVMA and AAHA resources for your reference. Please let us know if this month's topic, information and resources were useful for you! Next month is Dental month and we look forward to providing you with information and resources so you all can continue to provide amazing care to The Vets patients and clients.

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