Updated: 2/4/2024

Town Hall FAQ

Top Questions

What is being done to improve communications and sharing information with Medical Teams?

● The introduction of the Medical Director role is in part to help bridge this gap and improve the communications with the medical teams. This role will continue to evolve into more 1:1 connections with doctors, focusing on performance and financial reviews and being a point of contact who uniquely understands the challenges that our mobile teams face.
● We’ve already introduced the Ranger Pet Newsletter and the new Veterinary Technician newsletter and a soon to be debuted monthly Medical newsletter directly geared for our mobile teams.
● The Knowledge Center is always a great source of information, and we have plans to expand the amount of medical content and the frequency of medical content posted there.
● We do always have our medical board, for consultations, rising concerns and hot topics.
● And of course your city managers and regional managers are always a great source of connection and information.

With an increased focus on Membership, what changes can we expect to the plans?

Main changes coming up soon:

● Introduce Total Wellness Family Membership for multi-pet households.
This will allow pet parents to enjoy a reduced monthly payment for adding
a second pet and each subsequent pet after that.
● Extended membership benefits for pets with chronic conditions - OA,
derm and ears issues.
● Coupons for alternatives which will allow more personalization in the
membership offering.
● Grouping all puppy and kitten membership appointments into one plan.

What plans are there to increase marketing support around Membership, so that clients are better prepared to discuss it during visits?

We’ve been doing a few things on the marketing side to help increase awareness of total wellness membership with pet owners ahead of their visit.

What we’ve done so far:

● We’ve added more digital touch points to our funnel and AMI to promote membership.
● We’ve tested several email campaigns to find different ways to promote membership ahead of visits.
● Our sales and support team has been sharing the benefits of membership with clients during pre-visit confirmation calls
● Finally, we’ve been doing PR around membership to raise broader awareness of it beyond our client base. Dr. Krohn in Portland recently did a segment with the local morning show, talking about the benefits of membership, and James has done several interviews with various media outlets to educate on the differences between wellness plans and pet insurance and how both can work hand in hand.

What’s still to come:

● We’re working on updating all of our landing pages, welcome emails and physical brochures with refreshed messaging and a stronger savings message.
●  We’ll also continue educating our client base about total wellness on an on-going basis to raise awareness

What is coming next with the online pharmacy project?

We’ve been working on a few things to streamline the process as much as we can. Here’s what you can expect:
● External prescriptions will be a separate pop-up in which you will be able to assign to a pharmacy - Mixlab (preferred), Chewy or local pharmacies. This will eliminate the need to use Vetspire.
● In addition, all external prescriptions will be handled and monitored through a dashboard in the Admin Panel by our Medical Excellence Support Specialist - Rachel Krause.
● Important reminder: The best way to ensure a smooth process and to verify the medication's delivery to the client is ordering through Mixlab, whose excellent quality and service standards align with ours.

For Membership support and client service outside of an appointment, how are we taking care of these clients?

● We have a specialized team overseeing communication with our membership clients.
● This team comprises six Licensed Veterinary Technicians (LVTs):
○ Tammy Burkon, Rebecca Irvin, Sarah Baughman, Meagan Ashley, Rachel Krause and Melissa Schalles.

● The team is responsible for teleadvice, advanced triage, follow-up calls post-sick or injury appointments, prescription management, post-appointment enrollments, and various other tasks.
● Additionally, the team features a Membership Retention Agent, Kelli Mikes, dedicated to addressing client escalations, managing payment issues, handling cancellation requests, and overall enhancing relationships with our valued members.

What impacts have the new price increase had on our business?

Our company, now three years old, has grown beyond its early stages and we are becoming increasingly confident in who we are. This self-assuredness is reflected in our recent price increase, showcasing our maturity as a brand and also our understanding of the value that our service brings to clients each day in each visit. We're focused on being the best in our field, not trying to appeal to everyone. This price adjustment aligns with our core belief in delivering superior pet care, allowing us to spend more time with each pet and emphasize quality over quantity. It's a step towards empowering our medical teams to excel daily and attracting clients who value high-quality pet care - clients who care as much as our field teams do about ensuring gold-standard care for their pets.