Melissa Schalles

I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Animal Science from Colorado State University, and have been a Licensed Veterinary Nurse for over 24 years. I retired, after almost 17 years, from teaching Veterinary Nursing in 2021. For 17 years I assisted in facilitating the Western Veterinary Conference Hands-on Laboratory component. I was also charged with the facilitation of the Clinical Proficiency Examination at Western Veterinary Conference (now Viticus Group).I received my Master's in Education just about 15 years ago from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.I enjoy teaching and learning, and think client education is one of the most important components of Veterinary Medicine. I just completed my 9 years of service, sitting on the Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. I was one of only 8 Veterinary Nurses who have been asked to serve in this component.

Fun facts

I am a born and raised Las Vegas native. I live with my 4 dogs (2 Great Danes, Border CollieX, and French Bulldog), 1 cat, 1 Scarlet McCaw, TNTC Koi Fish, and 2 horses (1/2 Arabian and a Miniature). I am the proud mom to my 16.5yo daughter, and wife to my retired Army Staff Sergeant husband (22.5yrs). In my free time, I work at Arabian horse shows and travel all across the US.

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