Suzy Abreu

Fun facts

I am a new mom to a baby boy named Jace who just turned 1 in June. Before Jace stole my heart, I was a mom to a handful of crazy fur babies who I love dearly: a Toy Poodle name Mochi, a Yorkie named Osito, A Boxer named Kilo, and a Pitbull named Blue. I am a lover of all animals and feel it is my calling to help them in whatever ways I can. I was a Vet Tech for several years and absolutely loved the work I did, I felt I really made a difference in my patients and clients lives. My career in Vet Med led me into a leadership role, I worked as a Veterinary Practice Manager for several years as well. As a recruiter, I love that I get to chat with veterinary professionals about our love and passion for what we do while also relating to all the struggles and frustrations they come across being in the field. I enjoy talking about how The Vets can help alleviate some of those frustrations with our amazing business model. I believe what we are all doing here is revolutionizing the future of pet care! Cheers!

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