Evolving Together: Our Strategic Vision for 2024

February 19, 2024

Dear Team,

Happy New Year!  As we step into 2024, I want to take a moment to celebrate what we achieved together and also share the exciting path that lies ahead for us in the coming year.

Reflecting on our journey last year, we made some great strides towards our mission to redefine veterinary care through stress-free home visits that prioritize the well-being of pets, pet parents, and veterinarians alike.  Your unwavering commitment to compassionate care has built a strong foundation of trust and loyalty among our clients, improving the lives of over 100k pets, garnering industry-leading NPS scores month over month, and enabling the successful launch of our new Total Wellness Membership, with over 2000 new members since our pilot launch just a few months ago.

We all share a belief in the power of preventative care as the best medicine, and this belief is core to an exciting strategic shift for our company: to evolve The Vets towards a membership-centric service. This isn't just a financial decision, but a strategic move to more deeply align with our core values — to deliver the highest quality medical care and personalized service for pets whose owners echo our deep commitment to their health.    

This shift in focus enables us to invest more significantly in each patient and advance our medical technology and professional development, further enhancing the quality of our services and the quality of life of our field teams.  We will cater to clients who appreciate and seek the highest standards in veterinary services, aligning perfectly with our personalized, comprehensive treatment plans.

While we'll continue to give clients the option of ad-hoc visits, our focus will be on highlighting the clear advantages of membership – both in terms of cost-effectiveness and enhanced medical benefits. This adjustment not only aligns with our commitment to excellence but also empowers our clients with a choice that prioritizes both their pets' well-being and their budget.  

As we navigate this transition together, your skills and passion are the foundation of this new direction and your input and feedback is crucial to our success.  I invite you to join me at our upcoming Town Hall meeting on January 31st where we will dive deeper into these changes and answer any question you might have.  

Let’s embrace this coming year as an opportunity to prioritize quality over quantity, commit to excellence, and ensure that each pet’s health journey receives the attention and expertise it deserves. I am confident that together, we will set new standards in veterinary care.

Warm regards,

Daniel Sagis

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