May is Mental Health Awareness Month

June 20, 2023

May is Mental Health Awareness Month - a month that focuses on ways mental health impacts lives, provides education about available services, and highlights ways to advocate. 

We know that working in the field of Veterinary Medicine can be stressful. During the month of May, The Vets will be providing our team members with a number of resources.

To start the month, we are challenging each of our team members to participate in Wellness Bingo!

  • May Challenge: Wellness Bingo:  Employees will be challenged to perform a number of activities designed to promote mental wellness. 


                    -Download the Bingo Card linked below

                   - Once a row is completed, we ask that you take a picture of each completed                       activity and submit it to and cc Jen Belcher. Please use one                       email for all attachments for the row. 

                   - Please also ensure that you cross off the activity on your Bingo card once                       completed.

                   Winners: We will randomly select 5 employees who completed their BINGO cards                     and announce the winners in June! 1 completed row=1 entry into drawing

               Winners will receive a gift from Snappy.

In addition, we will be posting weekly proms in our GENERAL Slack channel.  We encourage you to participate and respond.

We will be sharing new information weekly, so please watch for these postings. And, of course, if you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! -The HR Team

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