Standing Strong Together

October 11, 2023

Dear team members and colleagues,

As many of you are aware, Israel recently experienced a tragic terror attack, and tensions have escalated into an ongoing war. During such times, it's crucial for us as a united team and community to come together in empathy and support.

To our colleagues who have friends, family, or ties in Israel, we want to express our deepest sympathies and let you know that we stand with you. We understand the weight of concern and uncertainty that accompanies events like these, and we're here to support you in any way we can.

While we are headquartered in the US, our community stretches beyond our borders. Today, we ask all team members to uphold the values that have made The Vets more than just a workplace. Let's be there for one another, offer our support, and foster an environment of understanding and compassion.

If anyone feels the need to discuss or share their feelings, we urge you to reach out. Whether it's to a trusted colleague, a manager, or utilizing any mental health resources provided by the company, know that your well-being is paramount.

Lastly, to our Israeli team members and those with connections in the region, we reiterate our unwavering support. You are an integral part of our family, and together, we'll navigate these challenging times.

Stay strong, stay united, and take care.

Am Israel Chai

Several of our team members have asked what they can do to support the families affected by this weekend's terrorist attacks.  A list of reputable funds and support agencies can be found here should you wish to contribute financial support and aid.

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