Upcoming Fear Free Webinar: No More "Fraidy Cats". June 22

August 13, 2023

Cat Friendly Vet Visits with Tabitha Kucera

FFCP-Veterinary (Elite), Low Stress Handling Certified, RVT, VTS (Behavior), CCBC, KPA-CTP

In this webinar, we will discuss the effects and how to identify the signs of fear, anxietyand stress in our cats. Tabitha will also discuss tools and handling techniques that canhelp reduce fear, anxiety and stress in the cats we work with while also providing tips forcaregivers to advocate for their cats.

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023 at 12 PM (Eastern)

Register Here!

About the Speaker:
Tabitha Kucera is an Elite Fear Free and Low-StressHandling Certified Registered Veterinary Technician,VTS (Behavior), Certified Behavior Consultant, andKaren Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner. She isthe owner of Chirrups and Chatter Cat and DogBehavior Consulting and Training in Cleveland, Ohio.

She is a Fear Free certified speaker and coach, a FearFree Practice Certification Consultant, host of thepodcast, Tails from a Vet Tech and serves on the boardof the Pet Professional Guild's cat committee.

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