Amazing New Tech Updates

April 16, 2023

Booking System:

The team was able to release the possible urgent care indications, new QoL flow in the booking system. We are also in the process of releasing a new and improved infrastructure for sending SMSs and emails, multiple changes and improvements to the AMI flow, shift are automatically updated from Sling to SF and Vetspire. Additionally, we worked on improvements to the scheduling logic to reduce drive time and increase the number of bookings per day. Lastly, we are at the last stages of development for an improved flow for our returning customer.


The team released major features and were able to successfully merge multiple big features to one release to the AppStore. Some highlights are: the ability to save the session data dynamically between screens, implemented events in Ranger for better data analysis and session lock so that a session will not be edited and overwritten by multiple users simultaneously. Additionally, the team is now finalizing an important version to be released shortly. This version will support sending and receiving SMSs to and from customers.

Data Engineering:

We are working on our first Machine Learning model, "Likely to cancel" model. This model is trying to understand how likely a customer is to cancel the appointment even before they finish the flow in the booking system. This model is now being tested in production, which means we feed it actual live data but don't make decisions based on its logic, instead we are analyzing its success rate.

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