Ranger App Release 1.6.x

April 16, 2023

The team is excited to share that next week (Nov. 21st) they will release the Ranger app version 1.6.x to production with a few significant updates and new features.

A list of features was released with version 1.6.x:

  1. Volume Pricing- new pricing based quantity

       2.Coupons- supporting discount coupons

  1. Objective screen - tapping abnormal should populate the note field
  2. Dynamic size field component - large text fields will change their size automatically based on the content length
  3. Client directory users' results based on team service area
  4. External document from Vetspire synced to pet medical history


  1. Duplicate clients under the client directory
  2. IDEXX order send with different pet name
  3. Invalid amount when refunding for the second time (same billing)
  4. App crash when trying to edit immunization on paid appointments
  5. Out-of-session prescriptions not sent to the client

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